NFIB (National fraud intelligence bureau) 


  • 20 May 2016 3:25 PM | Anonymous member

    This scanning document is based upon information gathered from open sources by the Economic Crime Directorate. The purpose of the document is to increase awareness of issues identified as potential forthcoming economic crime or fraud threats and emerging issues and trend

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  • 20 May 2016 3:20 PM | Anonymous member

    Small businesses should be on the lookout for a new type of scam which involves overseas “investors” tricking victims into laundering money.

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  • 06 May 2016 4:12 PM | Anonymous member

    The National Crime Agency (NCA) has seen a marked increase in attempted frauds which use the name of the UK Financial intelligence Unit (UKFIU).

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  • 06 May 2016 4:09 PM | Anonymous member

    Consumers who initially invested in carbon credits between 2011 and 2013 have reported recent contact from firms offering exit strategies for their carbon credit investments in exchange for an advance fee

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  • 29 Apr 2016 7:10 PM | David Clark (Administrator)

    Within the past 24 hours a number of businesses throughout the UK have received extortion demands from a group calling themselves ‘Lizard Squad’.

    Method of Attack:

    The group have sent emails demanding payment of 5 Bitcoins, to be paid by a certain time and date. The email states that this demand will increase by 5 Bitcoins for each day that it goes unpaid.

    If their demand is not met, they have threatened to launch a Denial of Service attack against the businesses’ websites and networks, taking them offline until payment is made.

    The demand states that once their actions have started, they cannot be undone.

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  • 29 Apr 2016 7:03 PM | David Clark (Administrator)

    The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) and Action Fraud have noticed a rise in the reporting of victims being recruited via social media to sell items for suspects on popular online auction sites. Victims are persuaded that this will be a quick way of making money.

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  • 29 Apr 2016 7:00 PM | David Clark (Administrator)

    The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) and Action Fraud have noticed a rise in the reporting of pets, and in particular puppies and kittens, being advertised for sale via popular online auction websites. The fraudsters will place an advert of the pet for sale, often claiming that the pet is currently held somewhere less accessible or overseas. Upon agreement of a sale, the suspect will usually request an advance payment by money transfer or bank transfer. However, the pet does not materialise and the fraudster will subsequently ask for further advanced payments for courier charges, shipping fees and additional transportation costs. Even if further payments are made, the pet will still not materialise as it is likely that the pet does not exist.

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  • 29 Apr 2016 6:57 PM | David Clark (Administrator)

    The purpose of this alert is to inform the public of a new investment opportunity being advertised by fraudsters. Whilst the commodity is real, we believe the fraudsters are using fake companies and the investments they are offering do not actually exist.

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  • 28 Apr 2016 9:50 PM | David Clark (Administrator)

    Fraudsters are texting members of the public offering a tax rebate. The text message contains a link to a website and requests personal information, such as bank account details, to claim the non-existent rebate.

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  • 22 Apr 2016 10:13 PM | David Clark (Administrator)

    A new investment fraud trend is targeting members of the public who are seeking to sell their wine investment. Fraudsters agree to purchase the victims wine, but instead transfer the stock into their own account without paying the victim. The fraudulently obtained wine is then believed to be sold on to other, unsuspecting victims.

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